'Black Ink Crew' Star Dutchess' Ex Drags Her On Instagram Over Her New Man

Looks like he's having a hard time moving on.

Earlier today (Feb. 5) Black Ink Crew star Dutchess took to Instagram Live to wish her fans a happy Super Bowl Sunday.

In the background of her session was her new boo, NFL player Zack Sanchez, of the Carolina Panthers, officially placing the new couple on #BaeWatch. While many have been celebrating the reality star for finally moving on from ex Ceasar, another person came forward to spill a little tea that he too has been involved with Dutchess following her split with her fellow cast member, also explaining that he is definitely not here for her new relationship.

Taking to Instagram, the man who Dutchess allegedly hooked up with following her public break-up with Ceasar has since outed himself, claiming that he "never wanted to do this" but that he's "the one she been f***ing and sucking since June of last year."

Posting an old image of the two together, the man, who is now private on Instagram, made a bold claim, stating "I'm the reason she Broke up with the n***a cease in the first place.. made her give the ring back and all.. she came back and found the hottest n***a in the city and wanted to be my girl bc I never wanted to be in the spotlight she took advantage of our situation and I guess f**k with this Sanchez dude... BUT THE GAGG IS I WAS NEVER FAITHFUL EITHER. SORRY NOT SORRY."

Looks like her alleged ex just aired out all of Dutchess' dirty laundry and judging from the tone of his post, he's not happy she's moving on whatsoever.

Dutchess has yet to address the situation, but she did take to Instagram to post the reminder that people are going to talk about her no matter what, captioning the reposted inspirational quote with, "Continue to talk & I'll continue to succeed!"

Check out the posts addressing Dutchess' new boo and old flame alike in the screengrabs below.

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