Look Closely: What Does This Skirt From JC Penney Remind You Of?
Most women are well aware that white skirts and certain times of the month just don't mix. Now, though, JC Penney has got us ladies covered. Literally.
The bargain retailer has a cute pencil skirt for sale in its latest catalog, and women everywhere have picked up on an unexpected benefit. The white skirt features a watercolor flower sprawled across the front and back, both in precisely the spot that "mistakes" often happen when women are on their periods.
Of course, this probably wasn't intentional. But that didn't stop Penney's from having a little self-effacing fun with the joke on social media:
The only thing that could make this more perfect is if the skirt came with a family-size bag of Reese's Pieces.
(Photo: Worthington via JCPenney)