Man Kills Two NYPD Officers, Ex-Girlfriend

Police believe Ismaaiyl Abdulah Brinsley shot and injured his girlfriend Saturday at a apartment complex in Baltimore Country before he traveled to New York City and shot and killed two police officers and then shot himself dead.

Ismaaiyl Abdulah Brinsley, 28, shot and injured his girlfriend Saturday at an apartment complex in Baltimore County before he traveled to New York City and shot and killed two police officers. He then shot himself dead.

Instagram posts suggest Brinsley was motivated to kill because of the police shootings of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. Some members of the law enforcement have pointed the blame for the murder of Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu on the mayor and on recent non-violent demonstrations against the grand jury's decision in the killing of Garner. 

"There's blood on many hands tonight," Patrolman's Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch said late Saturday, according to "Those that incited violence on this street under the guise of protest, that tried to tear down what New York City police officers did everyday.

"We tried to warn it must not go on, it cannot be tolerated," Lynch continued. "That blood on the hands starts on the steps of city hall in the office of the mayor."
But organizers of the #BlackLivesMatter movement and families of Brown and Garner say this incident does not represent their cause and have spoken out against Brinsley's violent actions. 

"My husband was not a violent man, so we do not want any violence connected to his name," Esaw Garner said Sunday, according to AP. Garner's daughter Emerald Snipes visited the memorial for the officers Monday to pray for their families. "My heart goes out to them," she tweeted

Brown's family released a statement through their attorney Benjamin Crump, saying, "We reject any kind of violence directed toward members of law enforcement. It cannot be tolerated. We must work together to bring peace to our communities."
Early Saturday, Brinsley shot his ex-girlfriend in the stomach at her home in Owings Mills, Md., AP reports. She is recovering from the wounds. He also took her cell phone and then took a bus to New York City. After he reached Brooklyn, he got rid of his ex-girlfriend's cell phone. 

The Baltimore police department notified the NYPD about Brinsley and his Instagram posts. But shortly before 3 p.m., Brinsley approached an NYPD police vehicle and opened fire on Ramos and Liu.
Mayor Bill De Blasio has asked that protests be postponed until the officers are buried. But some organizers are continuing their demonstrations, including Eric Garner's daughter Erica Garner, who was still promoting her weekly protests in Staten Island on her Twitter page, as of Monday afternoon.

Follow Natelege Whaley on Twitter: @Natelege_
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(Photo: AP Photo/Baltimore County Police Dept.)

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